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Andrey MatuzovСергей КузнецовКирилл ДмитриевIliya MalovТая БыковаАнна СарайкинаОксана ОльховикАнна МизяеваМихаил ОвчинниковАнатолий КанюковМарина РудаяСтанислав СарафиновАнна КрючковаВладимир КравцевКирилл СамсоновМария Исаева

Higher School of Economics  (HSE; Russian: «Высшая школа экономики», ВШЭ), officially the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russian: Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики») is a public research university founded in 1992 and headquartered in Moscow, Russia. Along with its main campus located in the capital, the university maintains three other regional campuses in Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Saint Petersburg.

Widely regarded among the best and most prestigious universities in Russia and the CIS, it acquired the status of "national research university" in 2009. HSE was the first educational institution in Russia to successfully introduce Bachelor's and Master's degrees, having also taken part in the development and implementation of the Unified State Exam to modernize education and health care systems of Russia.

Starting from 2013, HSE University has also participated in the 5-100 Russian Academic Excellence Project  (the project was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science to promote at least five Russian universities to the top hundred universities according to Times Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings, Academic Ranking of World Universities). Furthermore, university representatives are part of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation and Expert Council under the Government of Russia.

HSE University was established on November 27, 1992 by a decree from the Russian government. Since then, the university has been administered by a permanent rector Yaroslav Kuzminov [ru] who also participated in the founding of the university.

Former Minister of Economics Yevgeny Yasin holds the position of Academic Supervisor and represents the university in other academic organizations, while the university President Alexander Shokhin represents she in its interactions with governmental bodies. Economists Vadim Radaev [ru], Lev Yakobson,and Alexander Shamrin have filled the positions of vice-rectors at HSE.

Members of various university councils include Russian politician Sergey Kiriyenko, a former aide to President Vladimir Putin Vyacheslav Volodin, the founder of “Sberbank” Herman Gref, the president of Renova Group Viktor Vekselberg, Russian billionaire technology entrepreneur Arkady Volozh, Chairman of the Management Board of Otkritie FC Bank Mikhail Mikhailovich Zadornov, Leonid Mikhelson a major shareholder of the Russian gas company Novatek, philanthropist Vadim Moshkovich, as well as the businessman and political activist Mikhail Prokhorov.


International Admissions

+7 495 531-00-59

Map of HSE Buildings

International Students Support

+7 495 772-95-90, ext. 27661

Emergency hotline: +7 (985) 040-13-55

Main campus: 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa

International Faculty Recruitment

+7 495 772-95-90, ext. 27676

International Faculty Support

PR Office

+7 495 772 9567
